ECCP Wine & Dine
A Talk on the Rise of Women in Business
5:30PM - 7:30PM | 19 November 2018
Chantara, Dusit Thani Manila
ECCP Members - Php 1,200; Non-Members - Php 1,900
We all know that women leaders bring a lot to the table. But how come the percentage of women in senior roles is declining globally? In 2018, women across the world hold only 25% of top executive roles, a decrease from 25% last year.
Whether you're stuck in middle management, stalled in mid-career, or mulling over a major career change, sometimes the proverbial glass ceiling feels very real indeed—a barrier keeping you from fulfilling your potential. Unlike other talks, which focus on fixing you, this gathering hopes to empower you to break through your glass ceiling. This ECCP Wine & Dine session will guide you toward understanding your context and uncovering what you really want, what your definition of success is, what your values are, and how to set the goals to reach your fullest potential.
This coming November 19th Jennifer Martineau of the Center for Creative Leadership, a renowned speaker and author, will come to the Philippines to share research-based lessons onways women succeed at work on their own terms. Expect that this gathering will uncover key strategies for advancement one can apply personally or even as a mentor, sponsor, or women's initiative leader.