The European Union-supported Access to Sustainable Energy Programme (ASEP) and the Department of Energy of the Philippines (DOE) will hold an ASEP Phase 1 closing event on the 4th of September 2019. The full-day event will review the achievements of the Programme and lessons learned over the last 3 years in Rural Electrification, Energy Efficiency and Capacity Development of staff of the Department of Energy and other energy institutions. In addition to EU and DOE officials, the event will host some very interesting speakers, including the Executive Director of Team Energy Foundation, Inc (TEFI), Mr.
Ricky De Castro, who will cite the effective ASEP-TEFI collaborationthat resulted in productive uses of renewable energy installations in remote communities, andthe Undersecretary of the Department for Technology and Science (DOST), Dr. Rowena Cristina L. Guevara, who will explain the energy R&D efforts of the Government. NEDA Secretary Dr. Ernesto M. Pernia will deliver the Keynote Address. Please save the date so as not to miss this event. Formal invitations will be sent out shortly.