The workshop is designed for participants to acquire Motivational Intelligence with which they can attain a deep understanding of who they are and what drives them to do what they do. The Reiss Motivation Profile or RMP, a scientifically-derived assessment on motivation, will be used for an eye-opening experience to develop Motivational Intelligence. Your RMP will reveal to you what motivational needs you have in your nature and this knowledge of your motivational desires will empower you to have a heightened self-awareness both for self and others.
With this self-awareness, you will be in a position to self-regulate to overcome barriers to performance and validate your potential for success.
The workshop will also show the very wide field of applications that the RMP, as a centerpiece can be for self-development and organizational development.
Program Objective:
Who should attend? Leaders and senior executives of organizations or companies; personal or executive coaches; consultants and trainers on leadership development, hiring, team performance; Senior HR managers; school counselors and anyone who wants to understand themselves to be happier.
Program Topics:
I. Pre-workshop
ยท Participants complete the RMP test to get their individual Reiss Motivation Profile online. (No later than 1 week before the workshop date)
II. What is the Reiss Motivation Profile
ยท Theory of 16 Basic Desires
ยท Meaning of each 16 Basic Desires of Human Nature
ยท Why the RMP of a person reflects values describe personality traits and predicts how one would naturally behave in various situations or when interacting with people
III. Discovering Who You Are
ยท Interpreting your RMP and understanding why you do what you do
IV. Using Self-awareness to Take Steps Towards Being More Effective and Successful
ยท Being aware of any blind spots and how these could lead to ineffectiveness
ยท Being aware of how personal values may result in being ineffective or in conflict with others
ยท Identifying necessary actions to be more effective and successful in what you are doing or in your role
V. Using motivational intelligence for organizational performance
ยท Personal development of staff/managers/leaders
ยท Hiring the right people, maintaining a highly engaged workforce and collaborative team members
To register, please email
Please expect to receive ZOOM links on a separate email before the session schedule.