Leadership is the driving force behind any innovation and change initiative. It involves thinking strategically and systemically, in order to understand the impact of potential actions. This workshop will allow participants to understand the importance of strategic thinking, executing strategies properly, the dynamics of change, why change initiatives fail, and the critical leadership actions needed during a business transformation initiative.
At the end of the course, participants will have the ability to:
- Define and differentiate Leadership from Management
- Enhance their effectiveness as leaders during times of change
- Understand the different disciplines of execution
- Understand the dynamics of Change
- Manage the Change process
- Appreciate the behavioral shift(s) required to aid in the achievement of Innovation objectives
Program Outline:
The Outline below covers the full 16-hour program for this module. For4-hour duration, only highlights of the outline below shall be discussed to avoid overwhelming participants with too much information.
- Leadership Defined
- Systems Thinking
- Types of Innovation
- The Culture Map: Developing an Innovative Culture
- The Value of Execution
- Execution Models
- Factors for Successful Execution
- Causes of Failed Execution
- Scalable flywheel and the Barriers to Growth
- Change Defined
- 4 Step Change Management Framework
- Types of Change
- S-Curve and Leadership Types
- Common Causes of Change Resistance
- Critical Leadership Actions throughout the Change Process
Benefits of attending the program:
- Learn the evolving role of the leader in various stages of the business
- Understand the types of Innovation and barriers to growth
- Avoid the common pitfalls that derail execution and innovation projects
- Develop a client-centric and innovation-focused Culture
Who should attend:
- Business Founders and First Time Entrepreneurs
- Functional and Mid-Level Managers looking to develop a general business mindset in preparation for Senior General
- Management or Board Level Roles
- Employees at all levels
- First time investors looking to buy-into and support promising entreprises
Slots are limited and on a first come, first served basis. For registration inquiries, email kamyr.catapang@eccp.com
How to access the webinar: In a separate email, you will receive the link sent via ZOOM/ECCP.
This e-learning session is available for in-house training for a tailored-fit program designed for your organization alone. Email trainings@eccp.com for inquiries.