This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other ECCP events.

Event Details

As a multi-stakeholder platform, we believe in the power of open and honest communication towards building effective and productive relationships and developing appropriate collaborative interventions. While we pursue our efforts to disseminate trends and best practices, we understand the value of constantly seeking updates from those directly implementing agricultural projects and gathering information on issues that hinder the growth of the agricultural sector and delay the possible support to smallholder farmers and fisherfolk.

With this, we are launching the Agri Conversations, the Philippine edition of Grow Asia's "Confessionals", which aims to tackle challenges faced by various agricultural industry players to collate feedback and share insights and lessons learned. The outputs of the sessions will be used to produce summary reports which will be shared with various government agencies. Each session will revolve around a specific issue or topic and the confirmed participants could be requested to share proposed subtopics or submit their questions beforehand to facilitate a smoother exchange of information.

Specifically, this activity aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Facilitate an exchange of information on upcoming and/or best practices that will help companies navigate around specific challenges
  • Gather insights on the challenges faced by various companies and organizations related to the government's responses to various concerns
  • Solicit recommendations on how to improve support mechanisms and how to best respond to various challenges related to agriculture.

These will be used as references to a summary of challenges and recommendations that will be used for a dialogue with concerned government agencies and units.

Following the Agri Conversations will be the "Government Dialogues", a member-only event that will provide opportunities for ECCP and PPSA members to participate in a series of 'Question and Answer' sessions with concerned government officials/agencies based on the outputs from the Agri Conversations.

As a commencement of the Agri Conversations, we are organizing a dialogue on African Swine Fever (ASF), which continues to affect the livestock industry and the economy as a whole.

For registration inquiries, please contact LJ Lombos at How to access the session: Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees via separate email and closer to the event date.

Jun 29, 2021

09:00 - 12:00 GMT+8


  • 09:00 - 09:05Preliminaries (House Rules)
    09:05 - 09:10Welcome Message

    Dr. Mary Ann Sayoc

    Public Affairs Lead, East-West Seed Co-Chair, Philippines Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture; Co-Chair, Agriculture Committee, European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines

    09:10 - 09:25Keynote Messages
    09:25 - 10:25Presentations
    Private Sector
    Diplomatic Community
    Farmer Group
    10:25 - 10:30Roundtable Discussion Mechanics
    10:30 - 11:30Roundtable Discussion
    This part of the program will aim to validate the challenges faced by the agriculture sector in relation to the state of calamity on ASF, and solicit recommendations on improving government programs, LGU restrictions, and other ASF mitigation and control responses. If time permits, the conversations can also cover possible rehab/post-calamity programs.

    Specifically, the conversations with respond to the following questions:

    • SCOPING: What challenges are being faced related to ASF? What specific ASF protocols or restrictions need to be evaluated and/or changed?

    • CONCRETE SOLUTIONS: How do we improve our response and mitigation programs? What other recommendations can be provided to resolve the concerns on ASF? How can we bounce back from the concerns on ASF? Are there ways to prevent these types of challenges? What best practices can be adopted and modifications needed to better suit the local context?

    • WAYS OF WORKING TOGETHER: How do we move forward? (Structure, systems and platforms (including human resource), budget, plans)
    11:30 - 11:40Synthesis of Conversation
    11:40 - 11:45Closing Remarks


  • Dr. Mary Ann Sayoc (Public Affairs Lead, East-West Seed Co-Chair, Philippines Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture; Co-Chair, Agriculture Committee, European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines)

    Dr. Mary Ann Sayoc

    Public Affairs Lead, East-West Seed Co-Chair, Philippines Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture; Co-Chair, Agriculture Committee, European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines

    Read Bio




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European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines

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Philippines Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture

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