This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other ECCP events.

Event Details

Did you know that because of your strong partnership with your Chamber, together as a business community the ECCP was able to rise up and strategically adapt to the changes of today's manner of doing business? There had been a lot of milestones achieved just this past year - ones that are championed with and because of our members and partners. Truly a community effort!

This annual gathering of members will highlight the year that was, the opportunities available for you, as well as provide an opportunity for you to further understand why an ECCP Membership is still relevant at such a time as now, regardless of your industry or business size.

As a way to encourage you to maximize the network that you are part of, we have arranged a special speed networking event right after the AGM Meeting starting at 3PM to further builder member-to-member ties. And while this will be done virtually, you can expect that this exciting format brings you back to the good 'ol days of networking with fellow business partners. So don't forget to register below! Your access to the networking event will only be secured if you attend the Annual General Membership Meeting.

So in case you still haven't, please do submit your registration form on or before Monday, 7 June 2021. In the event that you will not be available to join, kindly send your signed proxy form instead, to ensure that your company will still be represented at the meeting.

Jun 16, 2021

14:00 - 16:00 GMT+8

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  • 14:00 - 15:00AGM Meeting
    Your official designated ECCP Primary Representative and/or Alternative Representative will receive complimentary tickets to the AGM. Should they be unavailable to attend, they have to sign and submit a copy of the AGM Proxy form to
    15:00 - 16:00Members Speed Networking
    * Participants joining the AGM Meeting happening at the first part, will be the same people given access to the speed networking.

