Clarity, concreteness, and conciseness contribute to delivering potent messages through business writing. The cost of poor communication are in the millions, and research from around the world enumerate the need to improve internal, and external communication in all enterprises to improve business operations. This 6-hour course intends to equip participants with knowledge and skills to produce potent, and purposeful writing that are consistent with their objectives.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the 6-hour program, the learners will be able to utilize the communication techniques to achieve communication objectives specifically
โข practicing the effective writing process in preparing business documents;
โข utilizing the C's of communication to create clear business documents;
โข harnessing current strengths and managing areas for improvement; and
โข applying best practices in effective business writing
Program Outline
I. Centering and Introductions
II. Norms
III.Activity: Lost in Translation
IV. The Writer's Journey: Effective Writing Process
A. The Starting Point and The Destination
B. Empathy and Reader-focus
C. Communication Methods
D. Preparation
1. 6C's in effective writing - complete, concise, considerate, correct, clear, and concrete
2. Editing sample work using the 6C's (memo and email)
3. Framing messages - delivering neutral, positive, negative news
4. Sharing Session
E. Writing Checklist/Guide
โข Summary and Integration
โข Closing: Clear Communication Destination Activity
To register, please email
Please expect to receive ZOOM links on a separate email before the session schedule.
Attendees will e-workbook, reading list (websites and videos), and e-certificates.
Aug 25 & 26, 2020 GMT+8
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