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Event Details

Employees represent the organization's image even in the virtual work world. An organization's members advertently and inadvertently display behavior, which in time influence how a company is perceived by others.

By the end of the 3-hour program, the learners will be able to:

  1. Apply the principles of executive presence to empower themselves, and build relationships with others;
  2. Practice congruent and professional visual, vocal, and verbal impressions;
  3. Utilize the presence checklists to dress, and communicate with confidence
  4. Connect and engage effectively in virtual meetings

Program Outline

I. Centering Session

  1. Introductions
  2. Centering Activity: Appreciating the impact of Presence and Behavior in our virtual world
  3. Program Objectives and Norms

II. Executive Presence

1. Mindset and Attitude (activity and discussion)

A. Purpose

B. Self-Empowerment

C. My Personality

2.Appearance and Body Language

A. Grooming Checklist

B. Dressing and Accessorizing

C. Body Language and Influence

D. Virtual Presence

3. Conversing in the evolving normal

A. Etiquette principles and the virtual world

B. Sincerity, Vocal and Verbal Impact

C. Engaging in virtual meetings

D. Authentic and Professional Conversations

III. Action Items

1. Pair Reflection

2. Action steps

3. Closing Activity

๏ปฟTo register, please email

Please expect to receive ZOOM links on a separate email before the session schedule.

Attendees will e-workbook, and e-certificates.

May 26, 2021

09:00 - 12:00 GMT+8

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