This module looks at coaching both from a research perspective and a practical people development approach. It aims to discuss coaching with the following objectives in mind:
Define coaching from a research perspective and explain distinctions of the various coaching methodologies applied in various organizations (e.g. counselling, feedback-giving, mentoring, etc.).
Describe the importance of establishing good coaching relationships and its effects on employee and individual performance.
Discuss important coach attributes that enable positive responses from coachees to perform better.
Identify coachee attributes that are helpful in creating a safe space for coaching.
Practice an effective coaching process that will lead towards successful attainment of goals for the coach, coachee and the organization they both belong to.
Review communication skills necessary for effective coaching.
Program Outline
I. Introduction to Coaching
Definitions and Distinctions of Coaching
The Benefits of Coaching based on Research
The Benefits of Coaching in Practice
II. Research-Based Factors that Affect Coaching Outcomes
The Coaching Relationship
The Coach Attributes
The Coachee Attributes
The Coaching Process
III. Communication Skills for Effective Coaching
Listening as an effective communication skill for coaching
Asking Powerful Questions as an effective communication skill for coaching
IV. Summary and Conclusion
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