Registration will close May 6, 2025 at

Event Details

The European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP) remains steadfast in its commitment to providing relevant insights and updates to guide our members and partners in terms of the dynamics of doing business in the Philippines. In light of the recent developments, the ECCP has been organizing a series of engagements with stakeholders featuring experts to provide timely insights from sector-specific issues to cross-sectoral topics including economic trends.

With this commitment, the ECCP established committees that meet to discuss industry-level issues and actionable solutions, which are then elevated to the government through a series of advocacy tools. Among the ECCP Advocacy Committees is the Human Capital and Education Committee, which stands committed to bring together educational institutions and give them a role to play in shaping the future.

In line with this, the ECCP is pleased to hold a Luncheon Meeting with TESDA Director General Jose Francisco "Kiko" B. Benitez, PhD. European-Philippine business community and our partners from the private sector will be have an exclusive access to insights and discussions by DG Benitez on the following:

  1. Updates on TESDA's most recent plans and priorities
  2. Updates on the Regional and National Initiatives of TESDA
  3. Areas for collaboration with the private sector

This Luncheon Meeting will be held on 7 May 2025, from 11:00amโ€“ 2:00pm in one of our partner hotels in Makati City.

May 7, 2025

11:00 - 14:00 GMT+8

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  • 11:00 - 12:00Registration and Lunch
    12:00 - 12:05Opening Remarks
    12:05 - 12:10Introduction of Keynote Speaker
    12:10 - 12:40Keynote Speech
    12:40 - 13:50Open Forum
    13:50 - 14:00Closing Remarks


  • Hon. Jose Francisco B. Benitez, PhD. (Director General of Technical Education and Skills Development Authority)

    Hon. Jose Francisco B. Benitez, PhD.

    Director General of Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

    Read Bio



Tickets Register

Physical - ECCP member

This ticket applies to ECCP members attending the event PHYSICALLY

Physical - Non-member

This ticket applies to non-members attending the event PHYSICALLY
