Event Details
The COVID-19 outbreak has changed the economic landscape in our country and across more than 150 nations in an unprecedented scale. Industries are being tested in how they respond to this current crisis, and are challenged to develop measures on how to stay afloat until a COVID 19 cure is found. After the travel restrictions, and beyond the lockdowns, how do businesses survive and rise above?
Among such industries, the COVID-19 crisis has impacted the Real Estate sector and in this exclusive webinar, ECCP is privileged to present David Leechiu, President and CEO of Leechiu Property Consultants, Inc. who will provide key insights on what the situation is and share expert data on what is next for the industry and the overall economy post-COVID 19.
Note: Accomplishing the online survey is REQUIRED prior registration approval. Please complete the survey here: https://forms.gle/C2N24Nmov52d6XPPA
For registration inquiries, email kamyr.catapang@eccp.com.
How to access the webinar: In a separate email, you will receive the link sent via ZOOM/ECCP.