Join the ECCP Competency Hub, in partnership with the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), for an evening of learning and networking. Be amongst other thought leaders from various organizations for a night of great company while expanding your network and contacts and even better conversation. Learn from CCL as they share research-based lessons on creating sustained impact for organization and accelerate leadership capabilities by sharing effective and powerful conversation through a preview of Better Conversations Every Day (BCE) Program.
The BCE Program is designed for everyone from the front desk to the corner office, participants practice four core coaching skills during BCE: listening to understand, asking powerful questions, challenging and supporting with feedback, and establishing next steps and accountability.
Imagine a workforce with the courage and skill to unearth truth, grapple with gnarly issues, unlock collaboration, and create liberating space for discovery and action – in real time, while doing real work. The result? Better conversations every day and business results that matter. Expect that this gathering will uncover key strategies for advancement one can apply personally or even as an organization leader.