In December 2018, the Asian Development Bank projected that the Philippines will continue to be among the fastest growing economies in ASEAN and globally in the years ahead. We have witnessed landmark policies recently enacted, to name a few: 1) EFTA-Philippines Free Trade Agreement; 2) the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018; and 3) the 11th Foreign Investment Negative List.
While these notable measures are expected to make the Philippines a more attractive investment destination, several reforms are needed to be put in place for the country to fully maximize its potential.
The ECCP Luncheon Meeting with Department of Trade and Industry Secretary Ramon Lopez will be an excellent avenue to learn from DTI and discuss topics of importance to the European-Philippine business community, with special emphasis on the following:
• Implementation of the Ease of Doing Business
• DTI's position on fiscal reforms: (1) TRABAHO and Strategic Investments Priorities Plan (SIPP) and (2) Tax Reform Package 2+
• DTI's view on contractualization
• Plans and priorities of DTI