Event Details
The COVID-19 situation has indeed created uncertainty and unease in the environment. Beyond doubt, economies, businesses, families, and individuals are put at risk due to this health crisis. Indeed, coping with today's challenges, including one's health and finances should not be overlooked.
It is for this reason that the ECCP Women in Business Committee is organizing a webinar entitled "Safeguarding Finances and Achieving Overall Wellness" on 24 August. Join us as we dive into discussions on how finances could be better managed especially in this time of crisis, as well as look into practices that help improve and maintain one's physical, mental, and emotional wellness.
For registration inquiries, please contact Ms. Katrina Baligod at katt.baligod@eccp.com.
How to access the webinar: In a separate email, you will receive the link sent via ZOOM/ECCP, latest 1:30pm, 24 August.