Event Details
As the Philippine adult unemployment rate reached 45.5% last July 2020, according to a recent survey by the Social Weather Stations (SWS), we ought to think of ways to produce or to keep on producing income and keep the economy running. A lot of this will involve going online and utilizing digital platforms as we move forward to the contactless way of doing business. Not only do digital platforms automate your processes but it also improves the customer journey by offering security and convenience.
The ECCP, invites you to the webinar entitled "Going Digital: Making Sure Your Business is Lockdown-Proof," in which Ms. Ann Cusia, the CEO of Traxion Tech, Inc. will be highlighting electronic Know Your Customer (e-KYC) and Onboarding Clients from Home (OFH).
To register, please email riznha.mendoza@eccp.com
Please expect to receive ZOOM links on a separate email before the session schedule.