Event Details
Sustainability has become fundamental in our economic and day-to-day activities. Over the years, countries from around the world have crafted policies and programs that can help address global environmental issues, particularly climate change and global warming. While significant strides have been made such as the commitment to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their corresponding targets by 2030, the adoption of the Paris Agreement last 2015 and the recently adopted Glasgow Climate Pact during the 2021 Conference of the Parties (COP26), stakeholders must continue to build on and undertake ambitious and urgent efforts to combat climate change.
The ECCP continues to be deeply involved in sustainability-related advocacies covering energy, water management, and circular economy, among others. In line with the European Commission's efforts on the European Green Deal and the Philippines' long-term goal to attain AmBisyon Natin 2040, the ECCP will be conducting the second installment of its flagship Europa Awards event which seeks to promote and recognize companies with exceptional performance and contributions in promoting sustainability in line with global standards and the Philippine Development Plan.
As a prelude to this year's Europa Awards, this online event seeks to further promote the Chamber's advocacies and intends to provide updates and views on the current status of the Philippines with respect to achieving its Nationally Determined Contribution of lowering local carbon emissions by 75% by 2030. Furthermore, the event aims to provide insights on the commitments made by the country in the newly adopted Glasgow Climate Pact and how the government plans to achieve its committed goals. Moreover, this session will feature the soft launch of the ECCP 2022 Europa Awards and Call for Nominations.
For registration inquiries, please contact Ms. Elena Tabbu or Ms. Mazel Salazar at advocacy@eccp.com. In a separate email, you will receive the link sent via ZOOM/ECCP closer to the event date.